Progetti Sociali
Social innovation for people

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CENSIS: published the Report 2011 on the social situation in Italy 24/11/2011
On the 2nd of December, 2011 the 45th Report on the social situation in Italy will be officially presented in Rome
Call for proposals for projects of training for health professional in the field of gender violence 24/11/2011
Published a call for proposals for training pilot projects for health professional dealing with first aid to the victims of violence and stalking. Deadline: 13th of January, 2012
Study on the services for the ex-addicted people recovery in Italy 17/11/2011
Study of the Scuola Superiore dell'Amministrazione dell'Interno (Italy) on the present situation of the private services for ex-addicted people in Italy
Italian Youth Fund 2011: the ranking list of the approved projects 16/11/2011
Published the ranking list of the project approved and funded by the call for proposals 2011 of the Italian Youth Fund
Report on the census of services to homeless in Italy 15/11/2011
Published the Report on the present situation of Italian services to homeless
Report on non self-sufficiency 2011 in Italy 15/11/2011
The Italian Ministry of Employment and Social Policies published the second report on non self-sufficiency (2011)
Call for proposals for funding of anti-violence centers in Italy 15/11/2011
Call for proposals of the Italian Department for funding of existing and new anti-violence centers. Deadline: 12th of January, 2012
TinCom, experimental project on social innovation in Abruzzo and United Kingodom 17/10/2011
Start-up of the activities of the project TINCOM, funded by the EU programme PROGRESS and realized by PROGETTI SOCIALI in partnership with UD'ANET (IT) and INCLUSION (UK)
PROGRESS: Call for proposals for social experimentations 2011 27/09/2011
Launched by the European Commissione the Call for proposals 2011 for social experimentations, in the frameworsk of the European Programme PROGRESS on employment and social solidarity
Call for proposals for financing Italian experimental projects by volunteer organizations 19/09/2011
Launched a call for proposals by the Italian Ministry of Employment and Welfare for the volunteer organizations for financing experimental projects. Deadline: 4th of October 2011
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