Progetti Sociali
Social innovation for people

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Services for Public Administrations

Progetti Sociali proposes services and specialized assistance for the development of methods, tools, research, projects and inter-sectorial services, in order to improve the social quality of institutions and their social effectiveness.

The offered services are:

Global planning consultancy (architectural, economic, managerial, evaluation) for the preparation of social projects and assistance to the management of social, service, research, including project financing, infrastructures
Consultancy in planning, management, and evaluation of plans and programmes in the social field (social plans, employment plans, local development plans, etc.)
Consultancy for the social impact evaluation of big infrastructures or new services
Consultancy for the development of innovative products and services of social technology in favour of disadvantaged people
Planning and management of innovative services of social assistance and active social inclusion
Innovative training courses for public social system operators and training of professionals of social change and innovation within public bodies
Planning and management of innovative research services on social ecology in urban contexts and elaboration of methods and tools at local and transnational level
Planning and realisation of researches on local sustainable development and elaboration of methods and tools of experimental sustainable planning
Researches on project financing for social infrastructures and elaboration of methods and tools of social project financing
Elaboration and simulation of social and demographic scenarios for long term service planning
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