As a part of the National Plan against gender violence, the Italian Department for Equal Opportunities issued a “Call for proposal to support anti-violence centers and public and private structures finalized to extend the number of services offered to the victims whose safety is particularly at risk and to open residential anti-violence centers in areas where the gap between demand and supply is wider”.
The following subjects may submit their projects, individually or combined:
The projects is finalized to realize the interventions provided in the following two lines of actions can be financed:
The available finacial resoursec are Euros 6.000.000 for Line of action 1 (max 200.000 Euros of contribution that can be conferred) and Euros 4.000.000 for Line of Action 2 (max 400.000 Euro of contribution that can be conferred). The contribution of the Department will cover up to 90% of the total cost f the project. Applicant must provide a co-financing of 10%.
The expiry date to submit the projects is January 12th 2012.