On October 18th and 19th the project “TinCom-Teleinclusion Community”, financed by theEuropean Commission within the program for employment and social solidarity PROGRESS , will start with the first meeting of the coordination group and a press conference that will take place at the Sala Consiliare of the G.D’Annunzio University in Chieti.
This represents a very important result reached by Progetti Sociali s.r.l. Impresa Sociale and Ud'Anet (technological spin-off of D'Annunzio University), two young companies in Abruzzo awarded among 185 projects made all over Europe. This partnership is enriched by the participation of INCLUSION - Centre for economic and social inclusion, one of the mainsocial companies in the UK.
TinCom wants to develop innovative solutions based on ITC technologies to invent and realize services and instruments to help the socio-occupational inclusion of youth, and, in particular, of young people characterized by low profiles from an educational and professional point of view.
Operational centre of this project is the community Web 2.0 TinCom Lab, that, according to the method of Living Labs, will create a virtual connection between the current and potential social innovators (ICT companies, NGO, social enterprises, associations, universities, research centers, public authorities), to share ideas and innovative solutions in order to support young people and (public and private) organizations to find a job and a way of life consistent with their potentiality.
The actual application of ICT in the field of socio-occupational services will be tested with two experimental actions, in Italy (Pescara) and UK (London), where 40 public and private organizations will try the functionality of the e-Service for the socio-occupational inclusion of young people, a real service on-line able to support the primary users (young people looking for a job) and the secondary users (organizations for the support to young people living in a situation of discomfort and with a low educational profile) in the on-line research of employment opportunities available in the local and European data-base, even through a specific pattern to go ahead the different gaps (social, educational, professional) and to make accessible the on-line labor market.