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National Day to launch the notice 2011 of the 7th Framework Programme for R&TD

APRE (Agency for the Promotion of European Research) is organizing on the 14thof October 2010, the national day to launch the 2011 announcement of the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, related to the issue "Socio-economic and humanities". 

The event will be held at the University of Turin (Great Hall of the Rectorate, Via Verdi, 8 / Via Po 17, Turin) and includes a morning session for the presentation of the invitation and program, and an afternoon session, where you can book a short bilateral meeting with officials of the European Commission to present your own project idea and have a preliminary view on the proposal. 

To attend the afternoon session, you must first send the to pre-screening card to APRE. 

Registration for the day is free and can be made on-line at the APRE website. 

In the section Sezione "Programmi Europei" of Progetti Sociali website it is possible to look at a presentation schedule (in Italian) of the the 7th  Framework Programme (in Italian). 

 Click here to look at the day programme and to book for the event

 Click here to counsult the schedule of the 2011 notice 

 Click here to counsult the Progetti Sociali schedule of the 7th Framework Programme (in Italian)


Progetti Sociali is available to give technical consulting service for project planning to those Organizations that might require it (tel.+39 085 2059470 – email

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